Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Salvation Army Select

In an effort to promote the upcoming opening of the new Salvation Army Select store, we as a class were asked to come up with ideas to get donations and press for the store. Keeping up with the ideals used by the Salvation Army, I decided to use items found in the thrift stores, and make new items.

My first ideas all started with a shirt. Plain t-shirts overrun the Salvation Army. I thought of all the ways to promote or raise donations that could come from a plain t-shirt.

When thinking about ways to get donations, I had a difficult time. My first ideas consisted of different containers that could be built and placed at different locations around town to promote the store, but that didn't go with the ideals that I was trying to use. I went down to the local Salvation Army and found an old, blue suitcase. ( I actually found a whole shelf of old blue suitcases.) This is where my "donation-station" idea came from. The idea is to take old suitcases from the store and turn them into the donation-station. Clean them up, put a poster inside to promote donating, and take them to local businesses around town to leave out. This not only would reuse an old product, and be an effective promotional tool, but it would make donation collection easier.

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