Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Elasticity: Flexible but able to retain shape

While in school, we are encouraged to expand our thinking, push our minds to their limits, and stretch beyond. The Hatchery will be a place where we can expand and push ourselves, and our work to it’s extremes. The Hatchery itself must be flexible and able to bend to the needs of it’s inhabitants and users. The furniture that will be in the space must be multi-functional and able to be moved to change the space around for different uses. Temporary walls will be created out of bungee cords that go from floor to ceiling, and can be manipulated by pulling and twisting the cords to created different walls and spaces to display work.

The retail space will be separated from the performance space by temporary walls of cable, and will have displays that can be moved around to accommodate new merchandise. The ceiling of the performance and retail spaces will be covered in a stretch fabric that will be pulled to different points to look like it is expanding and contracting. At one place, the ceiling will open up to a skylight above.
The work spaces and back rooms will have walls that mirror the ceiling up front. The feeling of the space being elastic will hopefully promote elasticity of the mind.

When we graduate and get employed, we may have to reign in our minds a little, and think more logically. Until that time, the Hatchery will be a place for our minds to stretch to it's limits, and to create and display truly amazing work.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hatchery Bubble Diagram

The Hatchery will consist of the Exhibition & Performance space, the Gallery Retail space, a Collaboration space between different departments at UNCG, and a consultation space where clients can meet with students from UNCG. The Exhibition space will be at the front of the Hatchery and will be immediately adjacent to the Gallery retail space and public restrooms. I would like for the Exhibition and Performance space to visually connect with the Gallery Space. These areas would have access to the back of the Hatchery where the Collaboration studio and Consultation space would be, but they will be separated visually.
The back of the Hatchery will be accessible from the back entrance and will house the collaboration studio and the consultation space, as well as a private bathroom. The collaboration space will be visually connected to the consultation space.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

|inventory investigation|-Hatchery Style

When thinking of what to put into the Hatchery I looked to my friends. UNCG has a lot of programs that produce truly beautiful student work that could be displayed in the Hatchery, and thankfully, I have a lot of friends to give me insight to those programs. Here is a list I created from talking to my friends in the CARS, studio art, theatre, and english departments.

Hatchery Inventory:
-full scale wall installations
-digital displays of work, or presentations
-BCS short films
-music recordings
-theatre displays

Tuesday, October 13, 2009