Friday, September 18, 2009

Salvation Army Select- The next step

After presenting the marketing and donation ideas that we had in class on Wednesday, we were split into groups to implement some of the ideas that were discussed. My suitcase idea that I discussed in the previous post, is being combined with the idea of Ms. Lily Glover's mannequin idea, and turned into "Donation-Stations."
(Above Drawn By Lily Glover)

These "Donation-Stations" will be used as both marketing and donation opportunities. People can bring donations and play dress-up with the mannequins as well as being able to place items into the refurbished suitcases for pick-up. For areas where we plan on having a lot of donations, we will be stacking and securing the suitcases together, and cutting a hole through them. We will then place a cylindrical container in the hole for collection, in essence, using the suitcases to create an artistic facade to go around the drop-off container.

(Images by Allisyn Miller)

Our group divided up on Wednesday to try and get the ball rolling on this project. Allisyn Miller & Michelle Bodon are in charge of finding locations for the "Donation- Stations." Allisyn has been contacting MACK&MACK and the Village at North Elm to see if we can get some public venues for the stations, while Michelle has been focusing her efforts on finding places on campus that would be possibilities. Lily is diligently looking for mannequins and bust forms that we could use in the displays, as well as possibly in the store once it is open. I have been in contact with the manager of one of the local Salvation Army stores, trying to get suitcases donated for the displays.


allisynmiller said...

Good Job Katie! :)

Ashby Bernardino said...

Hi Katie, I like the suitcase tower idea. It makes the donation process seem more real world and less like a garbage bin collection. Plus it gets attention which is all important.

Anonymous said...

If you're looking for cheap dress forms, check on craigslist. I've found several dress forms on craigslist for under 20 dollars. I haven't bought one for myself because I'm in search of something specific, but I would check this out!

Cool idea Katie + group members! I will definitely donate some clothes at one of the donation stations!

katie reynolds said...

yay for donation station!